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Does Sportsman Feed deliver?Yes, on larger orders we do deliver, however there are some exceptions to this. Delivery fee varies on location, please call us for more information.
Does Sportsman Feed accept cards?Yes, we accept cash, check, card, and tap to pay in store. When using card or tap to pay there is a 3.5% charge with the card machine.
Will someone help me load my feed?Yes, once you come in and let us know what you're wanting we ask that you back up to one of our loading docks and we will get you loaded up and set to go.
Are the prices on the website accurate?Yes, the prices on our website are up to date and if any changes are made in store they will be adjusted on the website as well.
Does Sportsman Feed ship?No, while we are looking into shipping in the future as of now we do not ship from our store.
Does Sportsman Feed have any other locations?No, as of now we do not have any other locations, however it is possible that we expand in the future.
Hablan español?Si, solo pregunte por alguien que hable español y con gusto lo atendemos.
Can Sportsman Feed order other products that you do not keep in stock from the brands you sell?For the most part we can, however we can not guarantee how fast we could get said product in. If you have any questions please feel free to call us.
Is there a minimum when buying chicks?No, if you come in and just want one chick or more that is fine with us. Chick prices vary on the breed and if you buy feed for them with us the same day you get a 10% discount off of their feed.
Do you carry other animals besides chicks?Yes, sometimes we do have bunnies, guinea keets, quail, ducks, turkeys, and even goats.
Are the chicks you order male or female?For the most part we do tend to order pullets (female chicks) with a 9/10 guarantee, however with some breeds and species, such as bantams and ducks, we are only able to get straight run chicks so there would be no sure way of knowing what sex they will be at such a small size.
Do the chicks have any sort of guarantee?Yes, chicks are delicate when they are small and we understand that so we do offer a guarantee of 48 hours within their first week of arrival.
Does Sportsman Feed sell duck feed?While we do not carry feed that is only for ducks, our show flock feed and non GMO mini layer pellets do have added niacin that makes the feed safe for ducks.
Does Sportsman Feed sell non GMO feed?Yes, we carry Tucker Milling's non GMO mini layer pellets, chick starter, and 6 way scratch.
Do you sell corn?Yes, we sell whole corn at $10 for a 50lb bag and cracked corn at $12.50 for a 50lb bag.
Do you sell feed in bulk?Yes, we sell bulk feed in 20 and 40 bag batches of the same feed. Please call us to get more information on bulk pricing for the feed that you are interested in.
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